Serial | Description | CLick on the Link to open file |
1 | First manufacturer with BIS certificate | Certificate |
2 | ISO Standard 9001:2015 | ISO Certificate |
3 | BEE Certificate | BEE Certificate |
4 | Vendor Approval from UHBVN | Vendor Approval |
5 | Vendor Approval from Punjab | Vendor Approval |
6 | Vendor Approval from Himachal Pardesh | Vendor Approval |
7 | Vendor Approval from Meghalaya | Vendor Approval |
8 | Vendor Approval from MPVVCL and MKVVCL | Vendor Approval |
9 | Vendor Approval from NBPDCL and SBPDCL | Vendor Approval |
10 | Vendor Approval from UHBVN & DHBVN | Vendor Approval |
11 | Vendor Approvalfrom West Bengal | Vendor Approval |
12 | Works Appraisal | Work Appraisal |